This is a Call Log management application that uses “assistants” that can filter on the data fields of the Call Log, and perform actions that you assign.
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Your First Time
When you run for the first time, you are presented with a list of pre-defined Assistants, all of which are turned off.
These are examples to help you get started. You should modify them as desired, and create additional Assistants, using these as templates.
After you edit your Assistants, make sure to use the Tester Screen. This is a great way to discover how the Assistants work on your Call Log entries.
If you are using the Go To Home Screen feature, start the Service. Go to Settings Screen, and select Start Service Now. Make sure Start Service on Boot is ON. The Service will auto-start after that.
Each Assistant consists of two components: the filter and the task.
The filter is a list of conditions to test against the Call Log entry, e.g. match phone number. If all of the conditions are true, the assistant’s task is selected for execution.
An Assistant is either enabled or disabled. It is only applied if it is enabled. An Assistant can be enabled for either or both Per Call or Per Sweep.
All enabled Assistants are applied to each Call Log entry, so it is possible for more-than-one task to be selected, e.g. Delete Log and Reply SMS.
Log Sweep
Every hour, starting from when your phone starts, CLA performs a Call Log Sweep.
This is the opportunity to delete Call Log entries by age.
A notification is displayed in the phone’s status bar when the sweep complete.
Call Log Gallery
This Main Screen gives you an alternate Call Log view, with different filtering options.
The Filter List scrolls horizontally across the top. You can flick through them, or use the trackball. The available filters are:
- Missed Calls,
- Last 24 Hours,
- Favorites (Starred Contacts),
- All Calls.
Matching Calls display in the list below. Click on a Call Log entry to launch the standard Call Log Screen.
Tester Screen
The Tester Screen gives you immediate feedback on how your Assistants will match Call Log entries.
The Call Log list contains your current Call Log entries. The Assistants list contains exactly that.
As you scroll through the Call Log list, The Assistants that will match that entry are highlighted in green.
Favorites Screen
The Favorites Screen displays the data that goes into your Contact’s Favorites Tab.
It displays your Contacts list, sorted as the Favorites Tab sorts them.
If you have starred the contact, the star is highlighted.
The time of Last Contact and the Times Contacted are displayed in the subheading.
The Menu contains commands:
- To clear the usage data, effectively removing the contact from Favorites, without deleting the Contact.
- To clear all contacts usage data; may take a moment to complete, depending on the size of your Contact List.
- To take you to the Edit Contact screen.
Matching Phone Numbers
There are some issues to be aware of when filtering on Phone Number.
Do not enter any punctuation characters, e.g. “(“, “)”, “-“. If you use the auto-complete, they are stripped for you.
You should always use as little of the Phone Number as possible, e.g. leave out any international dialing like the country code (or “1” for North America) unless you are sure these are always sent by your carrier.
Viewing the incoming Phone Numbers in your Call Log is a good way to learn the number patterns you will need.
If your callers are in your Contacts List, it is recommended to match on Name.
Advanced Phone Number Matching
The phone number/name pattern is actually a Regular Expression. If you have heard of this term, you know it means you can specify flexible “rules” for matching. The “only rule you will need” for this application, is covered below.
For example, “.*” (period-asterisk) matches a sequence of zero-or-more characters. This pattern is extremely handy when the incoming number can have different amounts of prefix characters, e.g. “1” in North America:
“.*5865551234” will match “15865551234” and “5865551234”.
In general, it is better to match by name if the number is from someone in your Contacts List. However, the same rules apply:
“Jimmy.*” matches any string starting with “Jimmy”: “Jimmy”, “Jimmy Jazz”, etc.
Go to Home Screen
Starting with 1.4.2., you can have CLA reset to your Home Screen after every call, instead of it leaving you in that pesky Call Log Screen, ready for Butt Dialing!
This feature is ON by default.
The Service must be ON to use this feature; use Start Service Now in the Settings Screen, or enter Manage Assistants Screen. You also want Start Service on Boot ON, so it will auto-start for you.
Each Assistant must have a task associated with it; this is the “action” that is performed when everything matches.
Delete Log
Delete the matching Call Log.
Enhanced Delete
This task combines the function of Delete Log with the new function of clearing the contact’s usage data (Favorites).
You can enable or disable each of these options separately.
The Delete Log option is performed first, then the Clear Favorite option.
Invoke your device’s Search service. Uses the contact name or phone number if not in Contacts.
Speak the Contact or phone number of the caller.
Invoke your device’s Notification service. You can specify a choice of flash and/or vibrate and/or ringtone.
Reply SMS
Send a SMS message back to the phone number. You can enter the text of the message.
Create Calendar Event
This takes the Call Log data and copies it to your Calendar, which in turn means Your Google Calendar!