Next MediaLab Update Preview

Yet another update of MediaLab is nearing completion! There were a number of fixes, but instead let’s quickly go over the new features.


You can choose from the encoders recognized by the UWP sandbox, which includes the usual suspects.

For the encoders that support it, you have access to some of the encoder settings, e.g. Image Quality.

Your selected encoder is used throughout the application.


In the same vain of encoder support, image metadata is supported.

The Settings Page has some “global” metadata that goes into every image.

Pipelines now have an additional Metadata list property, where you can override or add metadata entries that are pipeline-specific.

Job System

To facilitate running multiple application operations in parallel, there is a new mechanism for them. This addresses situations where you need to run the same pipeline on many different sources, e.g. 100 videos.

Invoking a command like “Run Pipeline on Image Source” on the Image Page previously “locked” the page during processing.

This is no longer the case, and the UI that manages the operation now appears in an overlay window, the Jobs Overlay. This panel has transparency, and goes opaque on hover for better visibility.

Now running an operation goes straight to the Jobs Overlay, and the main UI remains available for starting more jobs!